Static repair of multiple cracked beam using piezoelectric patches

Vietnam Journal of Mechanics, VAST, Vol. 43, No. 2 (2021), pp. 197 – 207 DOI: STATIC REPAIR OF MULTIPLE CRACKED BEAM USING PIEZOELECTRIC PATCHES Tran Thanh Hai1,∗ 1Faculty of Engineering Mechanics and Automation, VNU-University of Engineering and Technology, 144 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam ∗E-mail: Received: 01 April 2021 / Published online: 28 June 2021 Abstract. This paper addresses the problem of repairing multiple

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cracked beams sub- jected to static load using piezoelectric patches. First, the problem is formulated and solved analytically for the case of two cracks that results in ratio of restoring moments produced by employed piezoelectric patches. Since the ratio is dependent only on crack positions but not their depth, the result obtained for case of two cracks has been extended for the case of multiple cracks. This proposition is then validated by finite element sim- ulation where repairing piezoelectric patches are replaced by mechanical moment load equivalent to the restoring bending moments produced by the piezoelectric patches. The excellent agreement between analytical solution and numerical simulation results in case of single and double cracks allows making a conclusion that a piezoelectric patch could productively repair a cracked beam by producing a restoring moment due to its piezoelec- tricity. Thus, the problem of repairing multiple cracked beam using piezoelectric patches is solved. Keywords: multiple cracked beam, piezoelectric patches, static repair. 1. INTRODUCTION Damages or cracks appearing in a structure will inevitably reduce its serviceability and might lead to serious accidence if the deteriorations would not be early detected and repaired. Therefore, there are a lot of studies devoted to developing efficient tech- niques for structural damage detection and major results obtained in the last decade were reviewed in [1]. Recently, smart material such as piezoelectric one has found wide- spread application in structural health monitoring and repair [2]. Wang and his cowork- ers [3–10] have solved numerous problems of repairing cracked structures using piezo- electric patches. The advantage of the piezoelectric material in repairing cracked struc- tures consists of that effectiveness of the repair can be controlled when the output voltage of the piezoelectric patch used as a sensor is applied to the repaired structure through a collocated piezoelectric actuator. As a result, the repaired structure gets from the actu- ator an action of a local bending moment that could restore the slope increased due to © 2021 Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology 198 Tran Thanh Hai the crack. Obviously, the applied bending moment is dependent on external load ap- plied to the structure, crack parameters and on the design parameters of the piezoelectric patch. All the mentioned above parameters can be chosen to disregard the slope discon- tinuity caused by the crack that is acknowledged as the principle for repairing cracked structures. Some other problems were studied in Ref. [11, 12], however, there are absent studies on the repair of multiple cracked structures. Thus, the present study addresses the problem of repairing multiple cracked beams subjected to static load by using piezoelectric patches as shown in Fig. 1. First, the prob- lem of repairing beams with two and three cracks is analytically solved to establish re- lationship between coefficients of the so-called restoring moments defined for repairing the cracks. After finding that ratio of the restoring moment coefficients is dependent only on crack positions, the restoring moment for every crack can be determined from the first one. This hypothesis is further approved numerically by using the finite element method that proposes to replace the repairing patches by applying mechanical bending moments equal to the restoring moments so that an equivalent repair is achieved. 2. THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT Let’s consider a cantilever beam of length L (m), elastic modulus E (N/m2), mass density ρ (kg/m3), cross section area D× H, subjected to a static load F at free end of the beam, i.e. at the position L. Suppose furthermore that the beam is cracked at positions L1, L2, L3, . . . and the cracks are repaired by bonding piezoelectric patches of thickness δ1, δ2, δ3, . . . and length p1 + p2, p3 + p4, p5 + p6, . . . respectively to the beam at the crack positions as shown in Fig. 1. Fig. 1. Model of multiple cracked beam repaired by piezoelectric patches. 2.1. Crack modelling The open edged cracks are represented by the well-known equivalent spring model with the spring stiffness defined and calculated as [13-14] 5.346 ; ( ) r EI K L H f z L =  = (1) where I is the moment of inertia and, 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ( ) 1.8624 3.95 16.375 37.226 78.81 126.9 172 143.97 66.56 .f z z z z z z z z z z= − + − + − + − + 2.2. Effect of piezoelectric patches on beam Assuming that deflection curve of the beam under the load F is y(x) and considering the piezoelectric patch as sensor, electric charge induced in the patch is calculated as [15] 31 0 2 , pL H Q e D y dx + = −        (2) where 31e is piezoelectric constant and 𝛿, 𝐿𝑝 are the patch thickness and length, respectively. Therefore, output voltage of the sensor is given by ( )31 s 0 2 pL v v e D HQ V y dx C C + = = −  (3) with Cv is electric capacitance of the sensor. In case if the piezoelectric patch is used as collocated sensor and actuator, the voltage applied to the patch is ( ) ( )31 31 s 0 0 2 2 , p pL L a v e D H e D H V gV g y dx s y dx C  + +  = = − = −  (4) where g is so-called gain factor and s = g/Cv. Under the voltage, axial stress induced along the piezoelectric patch can be expressed as ( )231 31 0 2 pL a x e D HV e s y dx     + = = −  . (5) and, in consequence, bending moment applied to the beam will be ( ) 22 2 31 0 0 0 2 4 , p p p L L L e x e D HH M D s y dx G y dx G y    ++   = = − = − = −  (6) where G, defined as coefficient of restoring moment, is given by ( ) 22 2 31 4 se D H G + = . (7) 2.3. Repair of beam with two cracks by piezoelectric patches Based on the theoretical development and the beam model given in Fig.1, equations for deflection in the beam segments divided by the patches and cracks can be written as 1 1 1( ) ( ), 0 F y x L x x L p EI  = −   − L1 L2 L3 p1 1 p2 p5 3 p6 p3 2 p4 F L Fig. 1. Model of multiple cracked beam repaired by piezoelectric patches 2.1. Crack modelling The open edged cracks are represented by the well-known equivalent spring model with the spring stiffness defined and calculated as [13, 14] Kr = EI LΘ , Θ = 5.346H L f (z), (1) where I is the moment of inertia and f (z) = 1.8624z2 − 3.95z3 + 16.375z4 − 37.226z5 + 78.81z6 − 126.9z7 + 172z8 − 143.97z9 + 66.56z10. Static repair of multiple cracked beam using piezoelectric patches 199 2.2. Effect of piezoelectric patches on beam Assuming that deflection curve of the beam under the load F is y(x) and considering the piezoelectric patch as sensor, electric charge induced in the patch is calculated as [15] Q = −e31 Lp∫ 0 D ( H + δ 2 ) y′′dx, (2) where e31 is piezoelectric constant and δ, Lp are the patch thickness and length, respec- tively. Therefore, output voltage of the sensor is given by Vs = Q Cv = − e31D (H + δ) 2Cv Lp∫ 0 y′′dx, (3) with Cv is electric capacitance of the sensor. In case if the piezoelectric patch is used as collocated sensor and actuator, the voltage applied to the patch is Va = gVs = −g e31D (H + δ)2Cv Lp∫ 0 y′′dx = −s e31D (H + δ) 2 Lp∫ 0 y′′dx, (4) where g is so-called gain factor and s = g/Cv. Under the voltage, axial stress induced along the piezoelectric patch can be expressed as σx = e31 Va δ = −s e 2 31D (H + δ) 2δ Lp∫ 0 y′′dx, (5) and, in consequence, bending moment applied to the beam will be Me = σxδD H + δ 2 = −s e 2 31D 2(H + δ)2 4 Lp∫ 0 y′′dx = −G Lp∫ 0 y′′dx = −G y′∣∣Lp0 , (6) where G, defined as coefficient of restoring moment, is given by G = se231D 2(H + δ)2 4 . (7) 2.3. Repair of beam with two cracks by piezoelectric patches Based on the theoretical development and the beam model given in Fig. 1, equations for deflection in the beam segments divided by the patches and cracks can be written as y′′1 (x) = F EI (L− x), 0 ≤ x ≤ L1 − p1, EIy′′2 (x) = F(L− x) + G1 ( y′4 ∣∣ L1+p2 − y′1 ∣∣ L1−p1 ) , L1 − p1 ≤ x ≤ L1, EIy′′3 = F(L− x) + G1 ( y′4 ∣∣ L1+p2 − y′1 ∣∣ L1−p1 ) , L1 ≤ x ≤ L1 + p2, 200 Tran Thanh Hai y′′4 = F EI (L− x), L1 + p2 ≤ x ≤ L2 − p3, (8) EIy′′5 = F(L− x) + G2 ( y′7 ∣∣ L2+p4 − y′4 ∣∣ L2−p3 ) , L2 − p3 ≤ x ≤ L2, EIy′′6 = F(L− x) + G2 ( y′7 ∣∣ L2+p4 − y′4 ∣∣ L2−p3 ) , L2 ≤ x ≤ L2 + p4, EIy′′7 = F(L− x), L2 + p4 ≤ x ≤ L. Solving the differential equations (8) gives y1(x) = F 6EI (L− x)3 + b1x + b2, y2(x) = F 6EI (L− x)3 + G1 2EI ( − F 2EI (L− L1 − p2)2 + b3 + F2EI (L− L1 + p1) 2 − b1 ) x2 + b7x+ b8, y3 = F 6EI (L− x)3 + G1 2EI ( − F 2EI (L− L1 − p2)2 + b3 + F2EI (L− L1 + p1) 2 − b1 ) x2 + b9x + b10, y4 = F 6EI (L− x)3 + b3x + b4, (9) y5 = F 6EI (L− x)3 + G2 2EI ( − F 2EI (L− L2 − p4)2 + b5 + F2EI (L− L2 + p3) 2 − b3 ) x2 + b11x + b12, y6 = F 6EI (L− x)3 + G2 2EI ( − F 2EI (L− L2 − p4)2 + b5 + F2EI (L− L2 + p3) 2 − b3 ) x2 + b13x + b14, y7 = F 6EI (L− x)3 + b5x + b6, The constants bi(i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 14) would be determined from conditions at crack sections, ends of piezoelectric patches and at the beam boundaries. Namely, the condi- tions are y1(L1 − p1) = y2(L1 − p1), y′1(L1 − p1) = y′2(L1 − p1), y3(L1 + p2) = y4(L1 + p2), y′3(L1 + p2) = y′4(L1 + p2), y4(L2 − p3) = y5(L2 − p3), y′4(L2 − p3) = y′5(L2 − p3), y6(L2 + p4) = y7(L2 + p4), y′6(L2 + p4) = y′7(L2 + p4), y2(L1) = y3(L1), y′3(L1)− y′2(L1) = Θ1y′′3 (L1), y5(L2) = y6(L2), y′6(L2)− y′5(L2) = Θ2y′′6 (L2), y1(0) = 0, y′1(0) = 0. (10) Substituting solutions (9) into conditions (10) leads to system of equations [A]{b} = {C}, (11) where matrix A is given in Appendix A, vectors {b} = {b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14}T, b1 = FL 2 2EI , b2 = −FL 3 6EI and {C} = {C1, C2, . . . , C12} with C1 = −FG1(L1 − p1) 2 4(EI)2 ( (L− L1 − p2)2 − (L− L1 + p1)2 + L2 ) − FL 2 2EI (L1 − p1) + FL 3 6EI , Static repair of multiple cracked beam using piezoelectric patches 201 C2 = − FG1 4(EI)2 ( (L− L1 − p2)2 − (L− L1 + p1)2 + L2 ) (L1 + p2) 2, C3 = − FG1 2(EI)2 ( (L− L1 − p2)2 − (L− L1 + p1)2 + L2 ) (L1 − p1)− FL 2 2EI , C4 = 0, C5 = − FG1 2(EI)2 ( (L− L1 − p2)2 − (L− L1 + p1)2 + L2 ) (L1 + p2) , C6 = FΘ1 EI (L− L1)− FG1Θ1 2(EI)2 ( (L− L1 − p2)2 − (L− L1 + p1)2 + L2 ) , C7 = − FG2 4(EI)2 ( (L− L2 − p4)2 − (L− L2 + p3)2 ) (L2 − p3)2, C8 = − FG2 4(EI)2 ( (L− L2 − p4)2 − (L− L2 + p3)2 ) (L2 + p4) 2, C9 = − FG2 2(EI)2 ( (L− L2 − p4)2 − (L− L2 + p3)2 ) (L2 + p4) , C10 = 0, C11 = − FG2 2(EI)2 ( (L− L2 − p4)2 − (L− L2 + p3)2 ) (L2 − p3) , C12 = FΘ2 EI (L− L2)− FG2Θ2 2(EI)2 ( (L− L2 − p4)2 − (L− L2 + p3)2 ) . The cracked beam would be considered repaired if its slope at the cracks is continu- ous, i.e. y′3(L1)− y′2(L1) = Θ1y′′3 (L1) = 0, y′6(L2)− y′5(L2) = Θ2y′′6 (L2) = 0. (12) The latter conditions yield b9− b7 = 0 and b13− b11 = 0 that in consequence allow one to calculate restoring moment coefficients as G1 = −2EI (L− L1)(p21 − p22) = 2EI (L− L1)(p2 − p1) (p2 − p1) 6= EIp1 + p2 +Θ1 , G2 = −2EI (L− L2)(p23 − p24) = 2EI (L− L2)(p4 − p3) (p4 + p3) 6= EIp3 + p4 +Θ2 , (13) or G2/G1 = (p2 + p1) (p2 − p1) (L− L2) (p4 + p3) (p4 − p3) (L− L1) . (14) So that restoring moments and voltages of the piezoelectric patches are calculated as M1 = −F (L− L1) , M2 = −F (L− L2) , V1 = − 2F (L− L1)e31 (H + δ1) , V2 = − 2F (L− L2) e31 (H + δ2) . (15) It can be seen from Eq. (15) that M2/M1 = (L− L2) / (L− L1) and in case if the piezoelectric patches have the same design, we obtain also G2/G1 = (L− L2) / (L− L1) , V2/V1 = (L− L2) / (L− L1) . (16) 202 Tran Thanh Hai Since the ratios obtained above are dependent only on crack positions but not crack depths, it can be proposed that for any subsequent crack at position Ln one obtains Gk = G1 (L− Ln) (L− L1) , k = 2, 3, . . . , n (17) and voltages and restoring moments can be calculated as V1 = − 2F (L− L1)e31 (H + δ1) , V2 = − 2F (L− L2) e31 (H + δ2) , . . . , Vn = − 2F (L− Ln)e31 (H + δn) , M1 = −F (L− L1) , M2 = −F (L− L2) , . . . , Mn = −F (L− Ln) . (18) This fact will be approved by using finite element simulation performed in subsequent section. 2.4. Repairing cracked beam by applying restoring moments – the finite element sim- ulation This subsection is devoted to study static response of the cracked beam subjected to static force F and bending moments (18) by the well-known finite element method (FEM) [16–18]. The aim of this study is to verify the fact that multiple cracked beam could be repaired by applying bending moments (18) instead of using piezoelectric patches. So, the finite element model of cracked beam can be established as following: the beam is divided to Ne elements of the same length Le and stiffness matrix [19] Kec = TC˜ e−1TT, (19) where matrices T = [−1 −Le 1 0 0 −1 0 1 ]T and C˜e −1 =  12EI L3e + 24mR2EI − 6EI L3e + 24mR2EI − 6EI L3e + 24mR2EI −2 ( 2L3e + 3nL2e R1EI + 12mR3EI ) EI (L3e + 24mR2EI) (Le + 2nR1EI)  , n = 36pi EbH4 , R1 = a∫ 0 aF2I (s) da, m = pi EbH2 , R2 = a∫ 0 aF2I I (s) da. with FI ( z = a H ) = √ 2 piz tan (piz 2 )0.923+ 0.199[1− sin (piz/2)]4 cos (piz/2) , FI I ( z = a H ) = ( 3z− 2z2) 1.122− 0.561z + 0.085z2 + 0.18z3√ 1− z . The nodal load vector for an element is calculated as [19] Pe = ∫ Le NTq(x)dx + nQ ∑ i=1 NT(xQi)Qi + nM ∑ i=1 d dx NT(xMi)Mi, (20) Static repair of multiple cracked beam using piezoelectric patches 203 where q(x) is distributed load density; Qi is concentrated load at position xQi , Mi is con- centrated moment at section xMi , nQ and nM are the numbers of concentrated loads and moments. Shape function vector NT (x) = { 1− 3 x 2 L2e + 2 x3 L3e , x− 2 x 2 Le + x3 L2e , 3 x2 L2e − 2 x 3 L3e ,− x 2 Le + x3 L2e }T . Assembling element load vectors and stiffness matrices one obtains equation [K]{q} = {P}, (21) that can be solved using the CAFEM toolbox [19] and results in nodal displacement vec- tor {q} including both deflection and slope at the nodes. 3. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Let’s consider cantilevered beam with E = 210 GPa, L = 1.0 m, rectangular cross section of high H = 0.05 m and wide D = 0.1 m. Concentrated load F = 100 N applied to free end of the beam L = 1.0 m and piezoelectric patches, made of PZT-4 with e31 = −9.29, have thickness δ = 0.15H and p1 = 0.0249 mm, p2 = 0.025 mm [4]. Deflection and slope diagrams in case of single, two, three and four cracks obtained by both the analytical solution and FEM are depicted in Figs. 2–5. In Fig. 6 there is given dependence of voltage needed to repair single crack on crack position along the beam length. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements) Fig. 3. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with two cracks of L1 = 0.175m, L2 = 0.375m, 1=2=0.05. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements). Fig. 4. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with three cracks at positions L1 = 0.175m, L2=0.375m, L3=0.575m and 1=2=3=0.05. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements). Fig. 2. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with single crack of L1 = 0.175m, Θ = 0.05 Observing the graphics given in Figs. 2–5 allows one to make following remarks: (1) both deflection and slope curves calculated for beam with piezoelectric patches (dot lines) and those computed (by FEM) for beam subjected to restoring moments (dash-pot lines) are overlapped. This implies equivalence of piezoelectric repair and action of mechanical moments; (2) deflection of beam repaired by piezoelectric patches is really decreased in comparison with not repaired beam and even with uncracked beam that demonstrates 204 Tran Thanh Hai Fig. 2. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with single crack of L1= 0.175m,  = 0.05. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements). uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements) Fig. 4. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with three cracks at positions L1 = 0.175m, L2=0.375m, L3=0.575m and 1=2=3=0.05. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements). Fig. 3. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with two cracks of L1 = 0.175 m, L2 = 0.375 m,Θ1 = Θ2 = 0.05 Fig. 2. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with single crack of L1= 0.175m,  = 0.05. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements). Fig. 3. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with two cracks of L1 = 0.175m, L2 = 0.375m, 1=2=0.05. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements). , uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements) Fig. 4. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with three cracks at positions L1 = 0.175 m, L2 = 0.375 m, L3 = 0.575 m and Θ1 = Θ2 = Θ3 = 0.05. productiveness of the repair; (3) the slope diagrams show clearly that discontinuity of slope at cracked section has disappeared after repairing and the aim of the repair is thus achieved. Moreover, Fig. 6 shows that voltage needed for repairing crack decreases as the crack moves to free end of beam. Static repair of multiple cracked beam using piezoelectric patches 205 uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements) Fig. 5. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with four cracks at positions L1 = 0.175 m, L2 = 0.375 m, L3 = 0.575 m, L4 = 0.775 m and Θ1 = Θ2 = Θ3 = Θ4 = 0.05 Fig. 5. Deflection (a) and slope (b) of beam with four cracks at positions L1=0.175m, L2 = 0.375m, L3=0.575m, L4=0.775m and 1=2=3= 4=0.05. uncracked , cracked beam without patch, cracked beam with patch, cracked beam with restoring moments (FEM with 20 elements). Fig. 6. Restoring voltage in dependence on the crack position (L=1.0m, H=0.05m, e31=-9.29,  = 0.15H, F = 100N). Observing the graphics given in Figs. 2-5 allows one to make following remarks: (1) both deflection and slope curves calculated for beam with piezoelectric patches (dot lines) and those computed (by FEM) for beam subjected to restoring moments (dash-pot lines) are overlapped. This implies equivalence of piezoelectric repair and action of mechanical moments; (2) deflection of beam repaired by piezoelectric patches is really decreased in comparison with not repaired beam and even with uncracked beam that demonstrates productiveness of the repair; (3) the slope diagrams show clearly that discontinuity of slope at cracked section has disappeared after repairing and the aim of the repair is thus achieved. Moreover, Fig. 6 shows that voltage needed for repairing crack decreases as the crack moves to free end of beam. 4. Conclusion The obtained in this study results demonstrated that beam with arbitrary number of open transverse cracks under static concentrated load can be productively repaired by using piezoelectric patches bonded to the beam segments surrounding cracks. Moreover, it was approved in the study that repair of multiple cracked beam by piezoelectric patches is equivalent to applying mechanical bending moments equal to so- called restoring moments calculated from the piezoelectric patches. In the context, the equivalent finite element method-based technique was proposed for static repair of multiple cracked beam. Acknowledgements: This work was completed with support from University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University Hanoi under project of number CN20.37. References 1. R. Hou, Y. Xia. Review on the new development of vibration-based damage identification for civil engineering structures: 2010-2019. Journal of Sound and Vibration 491 (2021) 115741. Fig. 6. Restoring in dependence on the cra k position (L = 1.0 m, H = 0.05 m, e31 = −9.29, δ = 0.15H, F = 100 N) 4. 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APPENDIX A A=  L1−p1+ G1 ( L1−p1 )2 2EI −G1 ( L1−p1 )2 2EI 0 0 0 p1−L1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1+ G1 ( L1−p1 ) EI −G1 ( L1−p1 ) EI 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G1 ( L1 + p2 )2 2EI −G1 ( L1+p2 )2 2EI +L1+p2 1 0 0 0 0 −L1−p2 −1 0 0 0 0 0 G1 ( L1 + p2 ) EI 1− G1 ( L1 + p2 ) EI 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L2−p3+ G2 ( L2−p3 )2 2EI 1 −G2 ( L2−p3 )2 2EI 0 0 0 0 0 p3−L2 −1 0 0 0 0 1+ G2 ( L2 − p3 ) EI 0 − G2 ( L2 − p3 ) EI 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 G2 ( L2 + p4 )2 2EI 0 −G2 ( L2+p4 )2 2EI +L2+p4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 −L2−p4 −1 0 0 G2 ( L2 + p4 ) EI 0 1− G2 ( L2 + p4 ) EI 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 −L3 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L3 − L 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 L1 1 −L1 −1 0 0 0 0 0 G1Θ1 EI − G1Θ1 EI 0 0 0 −1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L2 1 −L2 −1 0 0 G2Θ2 EI 0 − G2Θ2 EI 0 0 0 0 0 −1 0 1 0 0  .

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